Finding how total yearly ales of Ford’s model T was running more or less along the mathematical “arctan”, the same pattern was found for the Volkswagen Beetle and applied to countries the same, with more or less well defined characteristics with -happily only four- deviations when was found that Frederic the Great (Barbarian), Napoleon, Hitler and the Japanese Emperor did start wars by going in the wrong direction….
Since  the arctangent runs form minus infinity to plus infinity, zero, 0 being haflfway  Renamed the “S- curve of life” of all that is conceived, growing, living & dying, centered to the more or less “point of symmetry” as symbol of the midlife crises “as a local zero” of the S-curve were the growth-rate reduces to zero and its opposite, its decline starts during the rest -the last half of that life. Endlessly replaced by successors with similar & new characteritics…

My own D3S- curve theory- has been found when my professional career as president of various companies active in widely varying business to business markets of “capital goods”. As expected, halfway my thime of life, I got my own mild midlife crises… discovering the classic Chinese canon “I Ching” , usually translated as “the Book of Changes“, going back five millennia. Its introduction learned “how this book could only be understoodafter gaining enough experience,  showing also according to the wiseman Confucius, that the rest of my life would be too short to enjoy its content”... Searching for “the system behind it” showed too many incomprehensible jumps and various versions and translations were not satisfying in explaining the 64 hexagram symbols, starting my own collection of  the “Tao the Ching” of Lao Tse, giving me an enlightening insight in its divining possibilities, the activity of “long term planning as looking into the future being one of my interests. Applying the rites of the I Ching did indeed bring predicted outcomes which took away my profound skepticism, slowly discovering how these rituals are just a method “to get in contact with your sub-consciousness” in a far more efficient way than meditation or even analysing dreams… Acknowledging dreams to be absolutely reliable messages “from yourself to yourself” explained also “that dreams do have little possibilities to get the messages through”, although “recurring dreams were slowly showing me that “something in my life was seriously wrong needing to be cured“…

When I experienced that even “very clear dreams” can’t be remembered next morning, in spite of the limited means of dreams,  I accepted the necessity “to get up and make notes on paper”, putting them into my computer. Reading previous dreams as well was confronting me with similar content, slowly guiding me “to accept being a workaholic” in need of new goals in the future, only now of “non-materialistic nature”, getting the 64 hexagrams around the circumference of a circle, till it started to dawn that they should be located in space…

The  I Ching kept telling me “that I could pass the great river” and “that I would be strong enough to overcome the strength of the stream,  even when I had to go in opposite direction, against the flow”… not only reminding me that my swimming capacities were way below those of my son,, but also  confirming my professional career.

Apparently, my purpose in life turned out to use my experience in making new starts with no thing, relying on own thinking, finally recognizing Nature’s oer-principle of its “unifying two-oneness” in  Nature’s daily practice, leading to its “All Unifying Theory – AuTheoN“, the wholy grail of science…