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    Language, Time & gender

Advice for reading
The results of a new “natural start of the beginning with no thing” are substantially different from what ever has been told and taught in the past -over and over again- when your ancestors did adapt their genes and transferred them to your parents…  And when these chose to unify, they did put them on the hard disk of your memory as “fact of truth”…  Actually the results of centuries of indoctrination, imposed by brute force of  power-hungry authorities or religous organisations, leaders or politicians who did want to exercise power over your ancestors and now try to get hold of you, denying & darkmooning the fact that you do have your own “free will” which can only be managed by yourself, or by your better half…
A development which takes time: all time of your life…

The ultimate conclusion is that  it might take quite some time for you to understand and accept that part of your present knowledge turns out to be weird, incorrect, obsolete and even redundant… and it might even take more time to digest and accept the results of Nature’s new information, although this is much, much simpler:  don’t upset yourself , it is not your fault… You better enjoy that you now have the possibility “to go back to Nature’s own beginning with nothing and follow its natural tracks, experiencing that this will also give you access to a boundless, unlimited and infinite source of energy which allows and stimulates you “to do what you have to do” by adapting & modifying your own future for the rest of your life…  enjoying the ever lasting pleasures of  “life-thime learning” which will satisfy your curiosity…
But when you are blessed with a quick mind and rapid understanding, don’t overstretch yourself by going too fast…

Describing Nature’s process of creation of the beginning with no thing is no literature and just because Nature’s same principles are repeated again & again,  shown by the same sentences over and over again, so quick minds can skip these boring parts.
But when these same sentences are reducing the sharpness of your mind, it might become obvious that “you are not curious enough to continue and make Nature’s interesting and surprising leaps part of yourself”, you better stop here and now because none of its details should be missed…
Knowing that you can make a new start every day.

The start of the beginning with no thing will also show how Nature’s  processes are subjected to its “own” conditions… there are no exceptions to its rules… Its natural simplicity turns out to be substantially different from “what human beings did imagine and develop in the past and forced us to learn that“, upon the penalty of exclusion when you are not accepeted by the group with their alleged safety in their attempts to overcome uncertainties and anxieties. In other words the group expecte you to believe their myths which were orally transferred for centuries…

Some of Nature’s rules were incorporated in “what is known as mathematics”, even when the vast majority of human beings are repulsed this proves to be “static & immobile”, based of inconsistent use of alpha-language of human-beings which is not matching the natural beauty & simplicity of Nature’s simple beta-math as shown by its daily practice.

Apparently my inherited resistance against religious and secular authorities and their establishments stimulated me to go my own way… My own experience as president of various industries in “international business to business markets” did show career switches characterized by new starts with virtually no introductions, means and supports…
This seemed to prepare me to make a new natural start of Nature’s processes of creation, acknowledging, accepting & respecting the logistic order of its own logic finding that Nature has no secrets, presenting its answers which turned out to be fundamentally different from what I was told and taught, being surprisingly simpler…  

At one hand it was a shocking experience that large parts of mankind are so busy to survive, hoping to collect sufficient daily food, making it difficult to accept that their progress is submitted to religious- or political authorities who want to exercise power over them…

The slow growth from tribes to cities and regions, nations and collectivism in specialized areas like labor to individuality and personal growth to independence and freedom, although this “emancipation” is still overshadowed by continuing in-equalities between
men and women, sexual abuse, circumcisions of babies and mutilations of young women…

It is amazing that too many people, capable of own independent thinking, are allowing themselves to be mislead by all kinds of religions and politicians for such a long thime, missing interest, freedom of spirit or lack of guts to make a new start?
On the other hand it is most comforting to read with your own eyes, at your own pace… discovering how Nature has no secrets, showing how its basic laws are utterly simple: “just observe and start counting…“.
Nature’s oer-conditions will disclose how a whole new era is accessible when just a few alpha-words are “purified” to get them in accordance with Nature’s oer-conditions because they were literally “not in line” or because their initial meaning has been changed…

It is helpful to know how the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer [1788-1860CE] did  identify how “truth is always passing three stages“:

first        it will be slandered and ridiculized…

second   it will face fierce opposition,

third      it will be accepted as self evident…

The new natural start of the beginning with no thing discloses right from the start one of its key characteristics:
truth identifies itself as perfect reversible two-oneness, its new beta-symbol of unification of equal values, being ”  ” when the initial symbol of equality will be enclosed by two arrow points, pointing in opposite directions, or the inverse “⇒ ⋅ ⇐ “.

Copyrights, ©
As one & only, sole author of “Nature’s All Unifying Theory – AuTheoN” I reserve all rights under the Bern convention. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1956, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically, electrically or electronically, chemically, optically, by photocopying, digital- , tripital- or quadripital recording or otherwise, without prior written permission.
All inquiries should be addressed to

Although many books and other sources of information were read and analyzed, nowhere a new start with no thing was found, as shown by the history of the human race over the last few thousand years”… “Namedropping” is avoided because this would assume “that all readers would have detailed knowledge of the related subject” Nature has its own (logic + logistic) sequence and even when part of a published subject of some of our ancestors is more or less fitting the consistent & consequent red line of Nature, “names and years” will only be given to position their contribution in historical perspective.

QA  Quality Assurance
As sole author, I am fully responsible for my all my writings, but “if you do apply parts of it in such a way that you are encountering problems, difficulties or even damages etc. etc. etc. of whatever kind or nature,  you are fully responsible by and to yourself in all aspects etc. etc..  You will experience to be strong enough to overcome them…
It is not my objective to hurt feelings, but if you think you are hurt or feel a pain somewhere in your own body or mind, that is definitely your problem, and because you ar the only person to cure this, this requires your own undivided attention, and although it might help to talk to others, finding your solution(s) can never be delegated, making your stronger…
My own QA- logo is derived from Leonardo da Vinci’s “Man of  Viruvius” and his Chinese knowledge, shows how “aiming at the highest possible Quality is my guide”.

Language, Time & Gender
The applied language will be English/USA,  as simple as possible. Making a new start of the beginning with no thing in an attempt to retrieve the process of creation of some thing out of no thing requires a precise choice of alpha letters, -words and -phrases, in the correct logistic order… and that is no literature. Just because Nature shows how its oer-principle is repeating itself again and again, there is no reason to describe its results in different ways, in superfluous attempts to arrive at “literature”. But knowing also how reading the same sentences over and over again might be boring, this can be regarded as Nature’s warning sign that you might not be curious enough to continue & discover what Nature is disclosing, literally once and for all: if you are in a hurry, thinking to be able to cover billions of squared years in a few pages, you better stop here and now, and continue only when your curiosity takes over…
Nature rules it all, but take your own thime, accepting the fact that you will never be able to change the past, but every new day offers you the possibility to make a new startThe present period of the future, the “toecomst” in old Dutch language is coming to you, this present being the most precious gift you will ever get…
But even when you are blessed with a quicker mind than the mind of the average reader, don’t overstretch yourself by going too fast…

Nature’s start of the beginning with no thing will also show why since 1657CE, its unity of thime has to be measured in “squared seconds”, its second power eliminating the manmade discrimination between positive or negative thime. As typical example of no thing,  thime “just is”, passing by, since the moment of the beginning with no thing  and since your moment of conception
Nature  makes it also unacceptable “to count daily time in seconds or years” as defined by rulers or religious authorities, hence  the indication ” CE ” refers to the “Common Era” or Current Era, starting at year 1, found even to be 3 or 4 years incorrect, disclosing how overall progress of mankind on its unique & unambiguous path to individual freedom is taking many years, even centuries, and many wrongly chosen directions…

Although daily practice is inherited from a “patriarchal  world based on male domination“, Nature shows no discrimination, proving how “women and men are equal“, their perfect  opposite being in accordance with Nature’s oer-conditions, as shown by the eldest written proofs of the Chinese principle of “Yin & Yang”, more than five millennia old. But it remains a question if this indeed is a perfect opposition, since only women are gifted by Nature “to be capable of multiplying life”…
Nevertheless, for practical reasons, the standard text of  Nature’s All Unifying Theory will be classic “masculine”.